Removal Services

Removal Services

Gibraltar Removals Service
Redwood (Intl) Ltd can offer a complete package of services for the removal of personal effects providing a fast and efficient service both locally and Internationally. Over the past 30 Years Redwood have carried out all the major migrations carried out in Gibraltar, from Hospitals to Schools, Local Banks and major Law firms to name a few. In 2022 we became associate members of the BAR (British Association of Removers).
Removal of households and personal effects (Locally or Spain)
From our own personal experiences we know how stressing moving home is. Redwood Int’l Ltd offers the most professional service in this field in Gibraltar. The first step to take to perform professionally is to carry out a pre-move survey. One of our qualified surveyors will visit the client to know exactly what the requirements are. Once this is ascertained, we will work out a quotation based on the information gathered by our surveyor and the service required by the client. The client is provided with a written quotation, describing what are the included and excluded services, required documentation and total of the charges, this way avoiding last minute problems and undesired surprises with the final invoice.
Once our quotation is accepted, a convenient date to carry out the job is arranged with the client. Our qualified packers, using high quality packing materials, dismantle furniture if required, pack and protect the goods for transit, issuing at the same time a detailed packing list (required for removals crossing any border). Transport and unloading at destination is carried out by our own vehicles and personnel, offering the services of unpacking, reassembling of furniture and removal of debris.
Removal of households and personal effects (Worldwide)
Same services are offered for removals worldwide, to any destination from any origin, using professional removal companies as agents. Since 1997, Redwood Int’l Ltd has been agents locally for a number of international removal companies that have been awarded the global contract for the FCO, carrying out relocations for the FCO officers in Gibraltar, including the Governor. We also use a number of international companies as agents for removals worldwide. All these companies are UK based, reputable and offer a quality service with offices worldwide
Packing materials
Being a professional removal company, we have our own packing materials, specially made for us and designed to properly pack specific goods. We have three different sized boxes, specially designed sofa and mattress covers, picture boxes or wooden crates, and all the necessary materials to pack personal effects regardless of the nature, size or weight. In the case that the client prefers to pack their goods themselves, we would be happy to advice on how to pack and issue the packing list.
Shipping methods
Redwood Int’l Ltd provides a weekly groupage service from and to the U.K and rest of Europe, offering a safe, fast and reliable transport service to these destinations.
According to the size of the consignments, other shipping methods are available:
Sea Freight:
For larger consignments, depending on the final destinations, this is one of the safest ways to send personal effects to the U.K from the Port of Gibraltar. For other worldwide destinations Redwood Int’l Ltd can offer this service via the Port of Algeciras, using Maersk Sealand as agents. This offers us the possibility of sending and receiving containers to anywhere in the world.
Airfreight is also available for removals. Due to the large amount of goods we send and receive via airfreight, we can offer a very competitive rate on this service. Although we normally carry out this service on an “up to airport only” basis, as agents for both Schenker and DFDS, we are able to provide a clearance and delivery / collection at point of destination / origin.
Exclusive Services:
If requested by the client, we can also offer an exclusive land transport service for urgent consignments, which can not wait for our groupage dates or due to its size or destination, are not convenient for this service.
Redwood Int’l Ltd also offers the services of customs documentation at origin / destination, as well as transit documentation for international removals. In the case that the packing of the goods is carried out by the owner, the clients would need to issue the packing list themselves, following the instructions given by Redwood.
Removals from Gibraltar to Spain
For these kinds of removals, the following needs to be taken into consideration:
Gibraltar is considered to be outside the European Community for Customs purposes. Therefore, according to the Spanish Customs Authorities, any goods entering Spain are entering the EEC and needs to pay the European duty (IVA). The percentage to be paid in total is 19.5 % (16% IVA and 3.5% Arancel) on the value of the goods. To do this, the client needs to provide a list of contents, with an estimated value for Customs purposes per item. (Not a global figure). The value given to the goods is a second hand value, and not the price when purchased. You have to be aware that the Spanish Customs Authorities can re-evaluate the goods themselves and charge duty based on their calculations.
The other requirement is that the owner, or an appointed representative, has to be present at the moment of crossing the border with the goods, to present the passport to the Spanish Customs Authorities and pay the import duty (IVA) cash and in Euros. Unfortunately this is something that can not be done by Redwood Int’l Ltd.
Using our local insurance agent, Redwood Int’l Ltd can offer insurance on personal effects for local moves upon request. Please note that we need an itemised packing list with values for each item.
Please contact Charlie Leggatt or James Bishop on (+350) 200 43705 / (+350) 200 44653 or